Strategic Measures – Phase 1 (2021-2025)
Active Travel Infrastructure
New cycle and pedestrian infrastructure delivered as part of the new Hamilton Road including 5.0m segregated footway / cycleway designed to LTN 1/20 standard (western side) and a new 20 bike Belfast Bike Docking Station on Sydenham Road adjacent to the access point of the Titanic Rail Halt. Works complete.
Active Travel Infrastructure(a)
Establishment of Waterfront Task Group (Maritime Belfast Trust, Belfast Harbour Commissioners (BHC), DfC, DfI & Titanic Quarter Limited (TQL) - maximise the pedestrian connectivity to and from the water (as set out in the Bolder Vision ).
Active Travel Infrastructure
Upgrade of existing pedestrian and cycling infrastructure from Victoria Park to Dee Street Roundabout. Works complete.
Partnership with Translink
Partnership with Translink via Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and setting out agreed Public Transport objectives / commitments. The focus will be on;
Understanding the current and future needs of residents, commuters, and visitors
Identifying opportunities to improve the provision of public transport services and infrastructure
Identifying opportunities to improve the uptake of public transport services and deter car usage
Potential initiatives could include;
Development Led Public Transport Funding
Flexible Travel Cards
Improved frequency of Glider serving Queen’s Road
Bus Priority at Traffic Signals (in coordination with Translink & TICC)
Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) displays at Titanic Rail Halt Platform, and RTPI notifications via promotion to users/visitors to download the QI Smart Travel App
Localised safety / accessibility improvements at stops (e.g., introduction of controlled crossings between Glider Stops on Queen’s Road)
Other initiatives to discourage private car use and encourage shift to Public Transport.
Active Travel Infrastructure
Pedestrian and cycle infrastructure provision in between development plots
Parking Strategy
Limit any new parking provision on Queen’s Island, with any future planning applications to be subject to a restricted provision. The revised parking strategy will continue to utilise the existing car parking and management enforcement operations and will reduce the existing free parking provision that is available to tenants during the renewing of leases.
Loft Lines (planning ref: LA04/2021/2280/F), which was approved in August 2022, is a good example of low-car residential development supported by a transport fund; green travel measures fund towards membership of the Belfast Bike Scheme, Car Club Membership, bicycle vouchers; Residential Travel Plan; Belfast bike station; car club; and other green travel measures including cycle repair and wash down facility on site, external cycle facilities, establishment of a bicycle user group, electric vehicle charging points, notice board(s) in communal locations containing information on the green travel measures and local public transport timetables/information, welcome travel pack and a pool of umbrellas on request.
First / Last mile solutions
Via introduction of Shuttle Bus system whilst exploring the opportunity to upgrade the shuttle bus with a Connected and Autonomous Mobility (CAM) electric vehicle which is being explored through a pilot scheme with a consortium of technology delivery partners and which will be subject to a successful funding application. (2)
Appointment of a Queen’s Island Travel Plan Coordinator (QITPC)
QITPC to facilitate cohesive Travel Planning initiatives across all existing and future developments (in coordination with individual Travel Plan Coordinators (TPCs) & their specific responsibilities in accordance with planning consents)
Collaborate with Translink to improve the provision and uptake of public transport services within Queens Island
Liaise with key stakeholders (e.g., Steering Group/Transport Forum, Individual TPCs, BCC, DfI, Translink, Sustrans, etc.)
Coordination of Island wide initiatives with Individual TPCs and relevant Stakeholders to take a district wide approach to modal shift
Undertake Annual Travel Surveys & Setting of Annual Mode Share Targets
Internal Monitoring, Evaluating & Reporting on the effectiveness of Travel Planning Initiatives
Understand how the individual TPs contribute to overall objectives and that initiatives contribute to seamless site wide implementation of sustainable transport.
Review Travel Plans and prepare Annual Action Plans (which sets out the measures which will be maintained in each year or those that will be developed over the next year).
Active Travel (cycling)
Establishment of Queen’s Island cycle forum (at the same time as the appointment of the QITPC)
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Smart Travel Platform (including bespoke App)
App User Interface to achieve distinctive Queen’s Island user experience Promotion of App download to residents/commuters/visitors
Promotion of Sustainable Travel (including highlighting associated health & wellbeing benefits of using sustainable travel modes)
Personalised Travel Planning
Real Time Passenger Information / Public Transport timetable integration Identify Car Sharing partners
‘Big Data’ (multi-modal) collection captured via network of Artificial Intelligent (AI) CCTV located at strategic locations within Queen’s Island to help Monitor & Evaluate Green Travel Initiatives
Smart Travel Demand management via AI CCTV and Variable Message Signs (VMS) units, in synchronisation with TICC’s Urban Traffic Control network
Compliment environmental monitoring to identify any carbon emission hotspots
Active Travel: Walking and Cycling Links
Enhanced cycling infrastructure on Queen’s Road – working in partnership with Sustrans actively looking at the links identified in the DfI Cycle Network Plan
Enhanced cycling infrastructure in line with relevant design guidelines and subject to/in conjunction with existing urban development constraints
All new developments will include connected links to existing high quality provision (e.g., Phase 2 to Sydenham Road)
Reallocation of road space to pedestrians / cyclists / Public Transport Provision of dropped kerb / tactile paving at all crossing points
Additional pedestrian-controlled crossing points at key locations (assess on a development-by-development basis)
Future pedestrian / cycle improved facilities to be designed in accordance with current design guides (e.g., LTN 1/20, segregated cycle lanes, where possible)
Improved cycle parking and dedicated cycle parking within all new developments
Engagement with DfI/BCC/Sustrans Active Travel Coordinators to deliver city-wide connectivity
Belfast/Shared Bikes to be located within 400m of all new developments
Future Pedestrian / Cycle Bridge Connection over River Lagan (subject to funding)
Car clubs
BHC and TQL will team up with an operator to bring forward a car club service to Queen’s Island.
Car Sharing Solutions
BHC and TQL will bring forward a car sharing scheme.
Mobility Hub and/or Active Travel Hub
Network of Accredited Mobility Hubs in key Development Zones that can include:
Shared Mobility e.g., Belfast Bikes / Brompton Bike Hire / Staff Pool e-Bikes / Emerging e-mobility solutions (e.g., e-Scooters)
Secure / well lit cycle parking
Links to cycle routes
e-Bike charging
Bike repair station
Bike User Groups
Interactive Noticeboard - integrated with QI MaaS Bespoke Smart Travel App
Car Club priority spaces
Coordination with BCC/Sustrans Active Travel Hub promotional events
The recently approved low-car development, Loft Lines (planning ref: LA04/2021/2280/F), is considered an active travel hub due to the range of facilities, initiatives and incentives which will help encourage active travel bringing multiple benefits to encourage future generations to live in a healthier, greener, and happier place.
[1] A Bolder Vision for Belfast – reimagining our city centre consultation (
[2] Led by BHC and BT and with support from Translink the CAM funding application was submitted in August 2022 to the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles UK government department, with the successful applicants earmarked to be notified in December 2022 (previously November 2022)
Strategic Measures – Phase 2 & 3 (2026-35)
QITPC role (continued)
Further enhancements to the MaaS Smart Travel Platform with additional functionality provided during Phase 2 and 3, as the app develops, and further sources/datasets are integrated.
Public Transport Improvements
Identified via the MoU process, including reintroduction of the bus lane on Queen’s Quay to coincide with the delivery of the ‘at grade’ link although it will be kept under review with the aim to deliver earlier if conditions permit.
Park & Ride
Construction of a Park & Ride off Sydenham Bypass (linked with First/Last mile Shuttle Bus link to Queen’s Road) and to coincide with ‘At-Grade’ Link (start of Phase 2)
Mobility Hub
Delivery of a second mobility hub which facilities the interchange of public transport, active transport (cycling and walking), and shared transport (car clubs, bike share and future modes such as e-scooters).
Active Travel links
(pedestrian and cycle) between development plots.
Additional First / Last Mile solutions (continued)
Creation of a new at-grade traffic signal-controlled junction onto the A2 Sydenham Bypass providing new access link to / from Airport Road.
Revised road markings
Revised road markings at the Sydenham Road / Harland & Wolff Access / Airport Road roundabout.
Banning of the existing traffic signal controlled right turn movement at Sydenham Bypass / Dee Street junction.
Banning of right turn movement from Sydenham Road / H&W Access / Airport Road to Sydenham Bypass via Dee Street mini roundabout
Removal of Dee Street mini roundabout
Removal of Dee Street mini roundabout whilst still permitting access to / from Dee Street.
Anticipated Works
During the last five years of QITP development (2031-2035) it is anticipated that the following infrastructure works will be implemented:
Closure of existing Dee Street Link; and
Realignment of Dee Street to create traffic signal-controlled junction with Airport Road with associated redistribution of traffic flows at Dee Street
Developer Measures
These are measures which are to be delivered by developers as part of their work to create new built environment on Queen’s Island. Phasing of these measures will be dependent on planning applications, with measures delivered alongside each scheme to be proportionate to its overall size.
Appointment of individual Travel Plan Co-ordinators & development of Travel Plans (in co-ordination with strategic goals & STPC) [N.B. for specific types of development]
Green Travel Measures
Green Travel Measures (in co-ordination with individual Travel Plan Coordinators and the STPC) and which may include:
Car Club spaces
Belfast Bike stands
Shared bike provision (internal and external)
Cycle repair and wash down facility on site
Establishment of a bicycle user group in co-ordination with the Queen’s Island cycle forum
Electric vehicle charging points
Notice board(s) in communal locations containing information on the green travel measures and local public transport timetables/information, welcome travel pack
Any other future green travel measure
Above measures to be proportional to the specific development quantum brought forward in addition to the actual requirement for specific measures.
Green Travel Fund
(with a cap on monetary values for individual units) towards membership of the Belfast Bike Scheme, Car Club Membership, bicycle vouchers or any other future green travel measures
Green Travel Fund to be proportional to the specific development quantum brought forward in addition to the actual requirement for the fund.
Public Transport Fund
To fund the provision of public transport measures to serve the development such as provision of travel cards or increased bus, glider service
Public Transport Fund to be proportional to the specific development quantum brought forward in addition to the actual requirement for the fund
Active Travel infrastructure
Within individual development blocks, which will tie into the strategic provision.
Active Travel links
(pedestrian and cycle) between development plots.
Additional First / Last Mile solutions (continued)
Creation of a new at-grade traffic signal-controlled junction onto the A2 Sydenham Bypass providing new access link to / from Airport Road.
Minimise Parking Provision