Detailed planning applications will include specific proposals in relation to the walking and cycling provision associated with new developments.
The QITP commits the partners and developers to a strategy of high-quality walking and cycling links within Queen’s Island including:
• Improved pedestrian provision in line with the high-quality public realm delivered as part of the existing Queen’s Island built environment: and
• Improved cycle provision (in line with DfI’s Cycle Network Delivery Plan 2022 - 2031)
New segregated cycleway and footway design, designed to LTN 1/20 standards, connecting Sydenham Road and Queen’s Road delivered in May 2022
All new developments will include connected links to existing high quality provision (e.g., Phase 2 to Sydenham Road)
Reallocation of road space to pedestrians / cyclists / public transport
Provision of dropped kerb / tactile paving at all crossing points
Additional pedestrian-controlled crossing points at key locations (assess on a development-by-development basis)
Future pedestrian / cycle improved facilities to be designedin accordance with current design guides (e.g., LTN 1/20, segregated cycle lanes, where possible)
Improved cycle parking and dedicated cycle parking within all new developments
Engagement with DfI/BCC/Sustrans/Active Travel Coordinators to deliver city-wide connectivity
Belfast/Shared Bikes to be located within 400m of all new developments
Future Pedestrian / Cycle Bridge Connection over River Lagan (subject to funding)
Active Travel
It is proposed to limit any new parking provision associated with development on Queen’s Island and future planning applications will be subject to a restricted parking provision as set out below. The revised parking strategy will continue to utilise the existing car parking and manage enforcement operations and will reduce the existing free parking provision that is available to tenants in the course of renewing their respective leases.
Queen’s Island for the purposes of this QITP will be considered as an area of car parking restraint similar to the Belfast City Centre fringe car parking standards outlined in Policy TRAN 1 / 4 within the respective draft / adopted Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan. Therefore, whilst car parking will generally be in accordance with Policy TRAN 1 / 4 City Centre fringe car parking standards, the QITP seeks to achieve a further reduction in residential car parking provision, especially for the Build to Rent and Affordable tenures where a parking ratio of 0.2no. spaces per dwelling is proposed (1no. space per 5no. dwellings). Car parking will be agreed on an individual development basis, however, the standards as outlined below will be adopted as the maximum levels of car parking provision in this overarching document.
Residential (new – subject to planning)
There will be a strict car parking management strategy for the new residential proposals coming forward (with the commercial elements applying draft BMAP TRAN 1/4 City Centre Fringe standards of 1 no. space per 100 sq m). The residential car parking strategy (whilst each block will be agreed individually) is as follows:
Family residential 1 no. space per dwelling
Private apartments 0.5 no. space per dwelling
Residential BTR 0.2 no. space per dwelling
Residential affordable 0.2no. space per dwelling
Each residential scheme will be supported by a Car Park Management Plan, with the Developer responsible for internal spaces) and TQL/BHC responsible for external spaces, which:
Implements an enforcement regime for car parking to ensure only those eligible make use of the facilities; and
Prevents parking by non-site users and those not having spaces as part of their tenancy and ensures no unauthorised/pavement parking occurs.
Retail / Commercial / Tourism
In delivering future retail, commercial and tourism developments, the following will apply with respect to parking provision:
Apply TRAN 1/4 City Centre Fringe standards of 1no. Space per 100m2 (new developments only);
Day-to-day management of any new on-street parking will be added to the existing car parking management and enforcement operations already in place in Titanic Quarter;
On-street parking will be provided on a Pay & Display 24/7 basis supported by the car parking enforcement;
Introduction of ‘charged for’ parking and reduction in future car parking provision on Queen’s Island as a result of reduced parking standards as set out above;
Reduction of existing free parking provision on expiry of existing tenant leases or earlier with current tenant consent; and
Introduction of tiered car parking charges to discourage long term (commuter) parking (e.g., up to 5 hours at current hourly cost; 6th hour & above then the hourly cost doubles).
A car parking strategy has been developed to allow the amount of car parking to be co-ordinated. The main aim of the car parking strategy is to move anyway from a car dominated environment by reducing the reliance on private car trips, whilst promoting the use of green and active modes of transport.
The Queen’s Island Travel Plan Co-ordinator (QITPC) is a significant new role at Queen’s Island and represents a proactive and positive measure for coordinating existing and future Travel Planning Coordinators to: (a) drive the implementation of new cross-development initiatives; and (b) monitor outcomes. It will be the responsibility of the QITPC to monitor the relative timing of implementing infrastructure to ensure a joined-up approach. A dedicated QITPC will be appointed during Phase 1.
They will be responsible for the coordination of the overarching Queen’s Island Travel Planning initiatives to provide a cohesive and coherent approach to the measures, while also acting as a liaison between the Transport Forum, the individual Travel Plan Coordinators s, and DfI, Translink, Belfast City Council (BCC) and other key stakeholders.
QITPC to facilitate cohesive Travel Planning initiatives across all existing and future developments (in coordination with individual TPCs & their specific responsibilities in accordance with planning consents)
Collaborate with Translink to improve the provision and uptake of public transport services within Queen’s Island
Liaise with key stakeholders (e.g., Steering Group/Transport Forum, Individual TPCs, BCC, DfI, Translink, Sustrans, etc.)
Coordination of Island-wide initiatives with Individual TPCs and relevant stakeholders to take a district wide approach to modal shift
Undertake Annual Travel Surveys & Setting of Annual Mode Share Targets (in line with QITP Transport Assessment). Internal Monitoring, Evaluating & Reporting on the effectiveness of Travel Planning Initiatives
Understand how the individual TPs contribute to overall objectives and that initiatives contribute to seamless site wide implementation of sustainable transport.
Review Travel Plans and prepare Annual Action Plans (which sets out the measures which will be maintained in each year or those that will be developed over the next year).
Understand how the individual TPs contribute to overall objectives and that initiatives contribute to seamless site wide implementation of sustainable transport.
Review Travel Plans and prepare Annual Action Plans (which sets out the measures which will be maintained in each year or those that will be developed over the next year).
Queen’s Island Travel Plan Coordinator
Belfast Harbour Commissioners are currently developing a Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platform in the form of a detailed database to promote sustainable and personalised travel planning solutions. This will be delivered via a newly created bespoke Smart Travel App and via a new network of Artificial Intelligent CCTV and Variable Message Signs to synchronise with TICCs Urban Traffic Control network; all in close coordination with the QITPC.
A beta version of the Smart Travel App will go live at the Q2 2023 as part of the Phase 1 provision, with additional functionality provided during Phase 2 and 3, as the app develops, and further sources/datasets are integrated.
App User Interface to achieve distinctive Queen’s Island user experience
Promotion of App download to residents/commuters/visitors
Promotion of Sustainable Travel (including highlighting associated health & wellbeing benefits of using sustainable travel modes)
Personalised Travel Planning
Real Time Passenger Information / Public Transport timetable integration
Identify Car Sharing partners
‘Big Data’ (multi-modal) collection captured via network of Artificial Intelligent (AI)
CCTV located at strategic locations within Queen’s Island to help Monitor &
Evaluate Green Travel Initiatives
Smart Travel Demand management via AI CCTV and Variable Message Signs (VMS) units, in synchronisation with TICC’s Urban Traffic Control network
Compliment environmental monitoring to identify any carbon emission hotspots
Smart Travel Platform
To further promote sustainable travel options within Queen’s Island, the Masterplan development will deliver a network of Collaborative Mobility UK (CoMoUK) accredited Mobility Hubs and Active Travel Hubs. A CoMoUK accredited Mobility Hub would be a first in Northern Ireland and would provide a cohesive and highly visible facility to co-locate a range of shared mobility solutions. The specific Mobility Hub provisions will be determined as the development comes forward and through the CoMoUK accreditation process, however, is likely to consist of a consolidation of shared bikes (e.g., Belfast Bikes), bike repair stations, public realm, interactive notice boards and car club spaces into one highly visible and accessible location.
The QITPC will also be responsible for coordinating any promotional events associated with the Mobility Hubs and in harmony with any Sustrans and BCC Active Travel Hub events.
Implementation (first Hub implemented in Phase 1, additional Hubs in Phase 2 & 3)
Network of Accredited Mobility Hubs that can include:
Shared Mobility e.g., Belfast Bikes / Brompton Bike Hire / Staff Pool e-Bikes / Emerging e-mobility solutions (e.g., e-Scooters)
Secure / well-lit cycle parking
Links to cycle routes
e-Bike charging
Bike repair station
Bike User Groups
Interactive Noticeboard - integrated with QI MaaS
Bespoke Smart Travel App
Car Club priority spaces
Coordination with BCC/Sustrans Active Travel Hub promotional events
Mobility Hubs and Active Travel Hubs
To improve the connectivity from the Titanic Rail Halt to Queen’s Road and from the new Park and Ride a number of First/Last mile solutions will be developed including a Shuttle Bus or a Connected and Autonomous Mobility (CAM) electric vehicle. A new Belfast Bike docking station (20 bike spaces) has recently been delivered close to the rail halt which should encourage those working, living and visiting Queen’s Island to travel via train and bike.
One of the first fully driverless transport systems anywhere in the UK is to be launched in Belfast next year, as part of an innovative project led by Belfast Harbour, with funding from Innovate UK. The ‘Harlander’ project, will establish an automated passenger shuttle service, providing last mile connectivity from the Titanic Quarter railway station to the Catalyst Science Park on Queen’s Island. The service will be accessible to residents, visitors, and employees of the various businesses in the area.
Implementation (Phase 1 – 3)
New Belfast Bikes station (20 bike spaces) located near Titanic Halt delivered in May 2022
Shuttle Bus links or Autonomous Electric Vehicleto provide enhanced connectivity between Titanic Rail Halt and Queen’s Island and from the new Park and Ride and Queen’s Island - working with Translink to determine the best solution
Potential CAM integrated ticketing to be explored under Translink MOU
CAM opportunity to deliver above commuter & delivery services using an Autonomous Electric Vehicle will be explored through a pilot scheme with a consortium of technology delivery partners (including BT)
First/Last Mile Solutions
It is proposed that a new Park & Ride facility will be constructed during Phase 2 / 3, following the completion of the new ‘At Grade’ Sydenham Link Road (see Road Infrastructure Solutions Proposals ). The Park & Ride will provide an additional link from Sydenham Bypass to Queen’s Island (facilitated by the new Shuttle Bus or Autonomous Electric Vehicle) and will also provide a wider benefit to the general public and commuters to Belfast.
The Park & Ride will also provide a further first/last mile connectivity and additional shared mobility infrastructure in the form of an accredited Mobility Hub.
Implementation (Phases 2 – 3)
Provision of a Park & Ride off Sydenham Bypass
Park & Ride to include accredited Mobility Hub and MaaS App integration
Connectivity between Park & Ride and Queen’s Island achieved through:
Shuttle Bus or an Autonomous Electric Vehicle (subject to funding and the success of the pilot scheme) for last mile provision
Accredited Mobility Hub
Queen’s Island Smart Travel App
Leisure / Event connectivity
Park and Ride Facilities
Although there is good provision of pedestrian, cycling and public transport facilities within Queen’s Island and the emerging QITP will continue to build on these; it is likely that private car trips will still make up a portion of trips to / from Queen’s Island (associated with either existing, committed or
proposed developments). A road hierarchy is established within Queen’s Island and will
be retained as part of this QITP incorporating main roads, access roads, streets and shared surfaces and will be designed in general accordance with the following:
Main Roads - design speed of 30mph and designed generally in accordance with Design Manual for Roads & Bridges (DMRB)
Access Roads - design speed of 30mph and designed generally in accordance with DMRB and Creating Places
Streets - will essentially be housing roads designed mainly with reference to ‘Creating Places’, with traffic calming and on-street car parking; and
Shareways - will be housing roads designed with reference to ‘Creating Places’ and likely to be one-way, low vehicle use shared streets.
Phase 1 (2021-2025)
During the initial five years of QITP it is anticipated that the provision of the new Hamilton Road, which is now operational, will accommodate traffic generations associated with the QITP Phase 1 development quantum.
Phase 2 (2026-2030)
During the next five years of QITP (2026-2030), it is anticipated that the following infrastructure works will be implemented;
Creation of a new at-grade traffic signal-controlled junction onto the A2 Sydenham Bypass providing:
New access link to / from Airport Road;
Creation of new traffic signal-controlled junction at Airport Road / New Link from Sydenham Bypass;
Revised road markings at the Sydenham Road / Harland & Wolff Access / Airport Road roundabout;
Restriction of the existing traffic signal controlled right turn movement at Sydenham Bypass / Dee Street junction;
Restriction of right turn movement from Sydenham Road / H&W Access / Airport Road to Sydenham
Bypass via Dee Street mini roundabout; and
Removal of Dee Street mini roundabout whilst still permitting access to / from Dee Street.
The introduction of a new link road onto the Sydenham Bypass will serve to re-distribute traffic flows which currently enter / exit Airport Road via Queen’s Quay, M3 off-slip and Dee Street. A new signal junction onto Sydenham Bypass will encourage vehicle drivers to re-distribute earlier to the Sydenham Bypass, as opposed to travelling through the local harbour road network, as is currently the situation.
Phase 3 (2031-2035)
During the last five years of QITP (2031-2035) it is anticipated that the following infrastructure works (see Figure 11.2) will be implemented:
Closure of existing Dee Street Link;
Realignment of Dee Street to create traffic signal-controlled junction with Airport Road with associated redistribution of traffic flows at Dee Street; and
The introduction of a Park & Ride in proximity to the new At Grade Link
Road Infrastructure Solutions
Developer Measures
These are measures which are to be delivered by developers as part of their work to create new built environment on Queen’s Island. Phasing of these measures will be dependent on planning applications, with measures delivered alongside each scheme to be proportionate to its overall size.
Appointment of individual Travel Plan Co-ordinators & development of Travel Plans (in co-ordination with strategic goals & STPC) [N.B. for specific types of development]
Green Travel Measures (in co-ordination with individual Travel Plan Coordinators and the STPC) and which may include:
Car Club spaces
Belfast Bike stands
Shared bike provision (internal and external)
Cycle repair and wash down facility on site
Establishment of a bicycle user group in co-ordination with the Queen’s Island cycle forum
Electric vehicle charging points
Notice board(s) in communal locations containing information on the green travel measures and local public transport timetables/information, welcome travel pack
Any other future green travel measures
Above measures to be proportional to the specific development quantum brought forward in addition to the actual requirement for specific measures
Green Travel Measures
Green Travel Fund (with a cap on monetary values for individual units) towards membership of the Belfast Bike Scheme, Car Club Membership, bicycle vouchers or any other future green travel measures
Green Travel Fund to be proportional to the specific development quantum brought forward in addition to the actual requirement for the fund.
Green Travel Measures
Public Transport Fund to fund the provision of public transport measures to serve the development such as provision of travel cards or increased bus, glider service
Public Transport Fund to be proportional to the specific development quantum brought forward in addition to the actual requirement for the fund.
Public Transport Fund
Active Travel infrastructure within individual development blocks, which will tie into the strategic provision
Active Travel infrastructure
Minimise Parking Provision